Friday, October 26, 2007

Jeff Miller R-FL Crass E-Mail Reply

My husband received the following e-mail from Jeff Miller's R-FL Webmaster when, after numerous attempts, he tried to have his E-Mail address removed from this Conservative RepubliCON's address book that was Spamming him with Conservative RepubliCON mailings.

Dear Bobby,

If you wish to be removed from a mailing list, please use the working
automatic removal form included with each mailing. This working automatic
removal form has been tested in a local third grade public school classroom.
All 9 year olds and above were able to successfully remove an Email address
from our files. We feel that the system is so simple that even a Florida
Democrat can use them with only minor adult supervision.

Please keep in touch. We just love hearing from our handicapped readers.

M. Sidney Wallace
Editor, Gulf1


Sunday, October 21, 2007

My Type

Some of you have asked what my type is: Here you go.
Question tho: Why aren't there guys like this in or around Roanoke??!!!!!!

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Well!!!! So Dumbledore is gay. I'm shocked!!!!!! Read more at the above link.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Torchwood's Season Finale Gay Kisses

Just a glimpse of "Torchwood". The Brits seem to not be as awkward as us "Yanks" when it comes to a kiss.


Found a GREAT new show on BBC America that's a spin-off of "Dr. Who". Torchwood is kind of a cross between "Dr. Who" and "X-Files" It deserves a look.
It stars John Barrowman, the gay American star and as a bonus has a member of the Ab Fab cast!!!!!!
Give it a look at the link above.