Friday, October 26, 2007

Jeff Miller R-FL Crass E-Mail Reply

My husband received the following e-mail from Jeff Miller's R-FL Webmaster when, after numerous attempts, he tried to have his E-Mail address removed from this Conservative RepubliCON's address book that was Spamming him with Conservative RepubliCON mailings.

Dear Bobby,

If you wish to be removed from a mailing list, please use the working
automatic removal form included with each mailing. This working automatic
removal form has been tested in a local third grade public school classroom.
All 9 year olds and above were able to successfully remove an Email address
from our files. We feel that the system is so simple that even a Florida
Democrat can use them with only minor adult supervision.

Please keep in touch. We just love hearing from our handicapped readers.

M. Sidney Wallace
Editor, Gulf1


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