Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Virgil Goode (R-Va) White Anglosaxon Christian Old-men (WACOs)

For those who read my blog, you know this man, Virgil Goode, from his "Anti-Homo" stance that I posted, but it still won him re-election in Virginia's Fifth District.
Now he has sent a letter as a response to an E-mail he received that pretty much speaks for itself.
Look, I'm pretty much a knee-jerk Liberal with a few Conservative stance on issues such as Immigration, BUT...........
I'm sure this man has NEVER read the Koran, much less understood the beauty and imagery of the text and thought, much like The Bible.
His letter, in the above link, is from Read it, since I can't seem to cut and paste it here.

Has ANYONE told Mr Goode that we are at war with Terrorist Fundamentalists/Extremists and not Islam?

Has ANYONE told Mr. Goode that the Congressman-Elect IS an American from Detroit and immigration reform won't affect him?

And By-The-Way: thanks for the flip and arrorgant tone. I hope the voters of Virginias Fifth are proud!!!!! My money says they are..........

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