So far it seems like of all the possible candidates for the Presidency in 2006, Steven Colbert and John Stewart are the only two public person's that have the courage and wit to hold publically elected officials and pundits ACCOUNTABLE for the actions or lack thereof. So I would hereby formally like to to put their names in the running to be drafted for an INDEPENDENT ticket.
Let's see: Condilissa Rice: Neo-conservative Africian-American woman, therefore unelectable to a large part of the electorate. To put it bluntly: The south won't elect a Black woman and the South is what elects the President.
Hillary Clinton: One word: husband
Bill Frist: conservative that is in jack-booted lock-step with the President George II
John McCain: Sliding toward the extreme right as shown by his speaking at Jerry
Falwell's Liberty University in Lynchburg Virginia.
Rick Santorum: Queer-Hater that has the IQ of Cool Whip and all the charm of the
Ebola Virus.
Jack Abramoff: Well......at least he's got the money to run.
Al Gore: Maybe, but grow some balls.
Any others? Please post!!!!!!
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