Saturday, May 13, 2006

Dr. Who gets a Gay Companion

Alright, I admit it. I'm a fan of the British Sci-Fi series "Dr. Who". Always have been after a good friend turned me onto it in the early 80's. It's a guilty pleasure of mine.

It was good to see that the series was under production again in the UK and I've been looking forward to see if the 21st century was going to bring any new ideas to the series that started in the mid 1960's. I've made it a point NOT to look on the web for British sites that I'm sure are spoilers. The Sci-Fi Channel has picked it up and is running it on Friday Nights at 9:00 PM on the US East coast. The only thing is that the US is running a season behind the UK. UK is already showing the next season.

I LOVE IT. A lot. The new stories have been, of course, updated to fit into a new generation of fans, but also have things that long-term fans can "catch" and enjoy.

I do however, miss the cliffhangers and lengthy stories of the old series. Only a couple of the new ones have been 2 parts. Not the 6 and 7 part episodes of the past. But that cool. Something one can overlook if the stories are decent. And they are.

Last nights episode "The Doctor Dances" had something that shows how far the UK has come on gay rights. It added a gay, Companion: Captain Jack, a time-traveling "Rogue"

I picked up on the "Vibe" but so far, he's a fun and intelligent AMERICAN gay man. Not really my "Cup Of Tea" but still...........

Check out the link to the BBC Dr Who site

Would YOU buy a used car from this man?

Well, at least we know he's not gay. No gay man would wear a tie THAT ugly.

New Whitehouse Press secretary Tony Snow. AKA "Snow Job"

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

"Time" Top 100

I awoke this afternoon at around 2:00PM as usual, I work graveyard, came downstairs to my pre-brewed STRONG coffee, love to vibrate awake, and turned on the lap-top. Surfing the news as I usually do I was shocked, SHOCKED I SAY, to the new "Time" Magazine list of the Top 100 Most Influential People in the World.
I'm in shock because I'm always surprised when I find out that there are people in this world that think, somewhat, around the way that I do.
"Time" has listed people that I both admire and respect, along with those who I think are a pox on this country. Sadly those I admire are on a VERY short list: but that OK. At least they are on it . Yeah, I just ended a sentence in a preposition.
You all know that I'm a HUGE fan of Steven Colbert:,9171,1187672,00.html

but 'Time" has also listed Arianna Huffington:,9171,1187219,00.html

I have read all of Arianna's books including here Bio of Picasso, LOVE Picasso here, up to "How To Overthrow The Government" and beyond. She brings grace and wit to the liberal cause as a disillusioned Conservative. It great to see a beautiful and intelligent woman that's literate and though-provoking. Her thoughts are new, fresh and exciting. Check her out!!!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

July Fourth Weekend Gas Boycott

I just saw Nancy Giles on the CBS News Sunday Morning Show and wanted to forward a GREAT idea she has called for.
To show BIG OIL that we are tired of huge oil profits and even bigger salaries for CEO's a national Boycott on the July 4th weekend: NO GAS PURCHASES!!!!!!
Walk, ride-share, or STAY HOME!!!!

$400,000,000 bonus package for ExxonMobile retiring exec??!!!
Over the top oil profits??!!
$2.80+/gallon prices??!!
Come-on people!!! Let's get this started!!!! It could hurt THAT much.


Friday, May 05, 2006

Colbert & Stewart in '08: The Truthiness Ticket

So far it seems like of all the possible candidates for the Presidency in 2006, Steven Colbert and John Stewart are the only two public person's that have the courage and wit to hold publically elected officials and pundits ACCOUNTABLE for the actions or lack thereof. So I would hereby formally like to to put their names in the running to be drafted for an INDEPENDENT ticket.

Let's see: Condilissa Rice: Neo-conservative Africian-American woman, therefore unelectable to a large part of the electorate. To put it bluntly: The south won't elect a Black woman and the South is what elects the President.
Hillary Clinton: One word: husband
Bill Frist: conservative that is in jack-booted lock-step with the President George II
John McCain: Sliding toward the extreme right as shown by his speaking at Jerry
Falwell's Liberty University in Lynchburg Virginia.
Rick Santorum: Queer-Hater that has the IQ of Cool Whip and all the charm of the
Ebola Virus.
Jack Abramoff: least he's got the money to run.
Al Gore: Maybe, but grow some balls.

Any others? Please post!!!!!!


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Wanna Bet?

Well, if you're here illegally: YES YOU ARE!!!!!!
Criminals that is.

Scotts Bike

My good STRAIGHT friend Scott's Bike. And yeah, he looks good on it.

Protest pictures

Just a couple pictures of a protest I went to in DC with some friends.