Thursday, December 21, 2006

Dick in a Box

SNL has SUCKED the past couple of seasons, but they can still hit one out of the park!!!!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Virgil Goode (R-Va) White Anglosaxon Christian Old-men (WACOs)

For those who read my blog, you know this man, Virgil Goode, from his "Anti-Homo" stance that I posted, but it still won him re-election in Virginia's Fifth District.
Now he has sent a letter as a response to an E-mail he received that pretty much speaks for itself.
Look, I'm pretty much a knee-jerk Liberal with a few Conservative stance on issues such as Immigration, BUT...........
I'm sure this man has NEVER read the Koran, much less understood the beauty and imagery of the text and thought, much like The Bible.
His letter, in the above link, is from Read it, since I can't seem to cut and paste it here.

Has ANYONE told Mr Goode that we are at war with Terrorist Fundamentalists/Extremists and not Islam?

Has ANYONE told Mr. Goode that the Congressman-Elect IS an American from Detroit and immigration reform won't affect him?

And By-The-Way: thanks for the flip and arrorgant tone. I hope the voters of Virginias Fifth are proud!!!!! My money says they are..........

Christmas Fruitcake

"All I Want For Christmas is My Two Front Teeth"

"Silent Night"

"Hey Santa!!! Yellow Cake!!!!!!"

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Conservative Morons

Another fine example of why conservatives will say ANYTHING to advance their cause: I.E. Fear-mongering.

I knew I should have eaten all that soy as a child.

Maybe lack of any carbs leads a person to Conservatism.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Thursday, November 30, 2006


This great man, Steven Hawking, needs to be listened to for a change!!!!

Instead of holding up politicos and sports stars to the youth of America as "heroes" THIS man fits the bill. Intelligent, witty and a role model for us all.

The above link connects to a story from England about what he thinks Mankind needs to do to survive.

I've read all of his books and he has a lot to say :if only people would listen.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

RIP Robert Altman

Robert Altman, one of the GREATEST American Directors. RIP.

From "MASH" to "A Prairie Home Companion", we'll miss you.

Monday, November 20, 2006

I'm Back!!!!!

Been busy here and haven't had a chance to post since the election. DAMN!!!!!! The Dems took the House AND the Senate!!!!!!! Will wonders ever cease??!!!!!!

Seems the voting public in Virginia didn't buy the line of crap being fed to the electorate.

Let the investigations begin!!!!!!!!!
Shirtless Marlboro smoker

Need a roommate?
Hot Smokin Redneck

Gotta love this one!!!!!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Pre-Election Post

It's been a while since I've posted. Been busy here doing things I needed to get done. Time to get back my "Ire"
I've been so indulged with politics that they have finally succeeded in doing what they want. I'm sick of ALL the crap in the political arena in this election cycle. Between Jim" misogynist dirty-novel author" Webb to George" bigoted Jew" Allen both choices in the Virginia Senate are basically a vote for the lesser of two Evils. Not to even get into the "Marriage Amendment" to the state Constitution. I just want it OVER!!!!! Yeah, I hope the Dems retake the House and hopefully the Senate, but just VOTE!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully the body politic won't fall for the lies this time, but I honestly doubt it........

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Republicans March On queers

Republicans gather in DC yesterday to hunt down the Godless Sodomites that have infiltrated the Party of " Faith and Values".

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Mark Foley (R-FL) The Shame of America

I've had it! Now I've heard everything from both sides of the isle on the matter of this hypocrite.

1. His ALLEGED sending erotic (Erotic??) IM's and E-mails to congressional page boys. Yeah right. ALLEGED.

2. His "Abuse Excuse" about being molested by a priest as a boy.

3. His self-commitment to an alcohol-rehab center. I bet "group" is fun. " My name is Mark and I'm an alcoholic. Mind if I check my E-mail?"

4. Denny Hastert sweeping all of it under the rug. At LEAST until after the mid-term elections.

5. ABC News for sitting on this story for over a year.

6. Newt Gengrich telling Fox News that the Republicans didn't come forward with these allegations because they didn't want to "be seen as gay-bashers"

That's it. The K-Street Spin machine has finally done it.

Since when has the Republicans hated being labeled as "gay-bashers"?

From Jesse Helms saying that gay people are "immoral, unnatural and disgusting" to Rick Santorum(R-PA) And Bill Frist (R-TN) equating gay people to shoplifters, the Republican Party has done it's part of fear-mongering about gay society from the dawn of Political pandering to their voter base.

Even down to the local level in Virginia where our illustrious Virgil Goode is using Al Weeds stance on gay marriage to freighting his constituents to voting against the Democrats because Weed supports it, to Delegate H. Morgan Griffith (R-Salem) not sending a referendum to the people to repeal the unconstitutional sodomy laws on the books in Virginia because in this state consensual sodomy is a "Crime Against Nature"

The sheer hypocrisy of a gay man in the House of Representatives, a Republican, that tolerates his party's anti-gayness and leading a closeted life just to remain in office and in power.

Listen up people:


What really crawls my ass, no pun intended, is that the spin is, now being gay is still being equated to pedophilia. Pedophiles can be either gay or straight. Not just gay. It's just being used, again as an anti-gay weapon in the halls of the Congress of the United States.


As a side note: if you noticed, the above picture is Mark Foley at a Log Cabin Republican meeting. This group should be ashamed!!!! Let's help perpetuate this sham.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Kilt Shot

Found this shot and REALLY wish I looked like this in my Kilt. I have two but look NOTHING like this. sadly........
I REALLY hate when people call them "Skirts". They show a certain rugged masculinity and let's be real. It taks a MAN to wear one, especially when throwing a "Caber" in a Highlander Contest. Posted by Picasa

I wore mine to a Saint Patricks Day event in Roanoke. Stood out like a sore thumb.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Last Concert: I Promise

Scissor Sisters Show

Scissor Sisters show was GREAT!!! They put on a hell of a show and debuted new songs from their new CD "Ta-Dah" just released Tuesday.
I was actually pretty close and had a BLAST!!!!
Jake Shears has stage presence and a wit that works the crowd. And you all know what I think of BabyDaddy.........
Ana did her part by "plugging" Baltimore and John Waters. She said that she would "Eat shit" to meet him. An allusion to "Pink flamingos". Yeah, I'm a John Waters fan too.
This band is the reason I went and they did NOT disappoint.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Scissor Sisters Pt. 4

And now my personal favorite: BabyDaddy!!!!!

I've never met celebrities before, but he was charming, furry and talented!!!!

See/hearing them all made the concert a hit.

Scissor Sisters Pt. 3

Del Marquis

Scissor Sisters Pt. 2

Jake Shears. GREAT guy.

Scissor Sisters

Paddy Boom and Ana Matronic. Paddy is HOT with the beard. Never gave him a second look before. They were both incredibly nice and friendly. WOOF!!!!!

Monday, September 25, 2006

The Killers

Didn't get the best spot, but the Killers ROCKED!!!! Big fan here.

Fire Eater At The Freakshow

A bearded/inked man, dressed in leather, eating fire. Not much more to all know my type. Wish he'd have been the stripper.

Gnarles Barkley at Virgin Festival

Virgin Festival Crowd Scenes: Gnarles Barkley

Gnarles Barkley put on an AWESOME set. This crowd shows how good they were. I was actually really close for this one.

Me at The Virgin Festival

 Posted by Picasa

Virgin Festival: Baltimore

For a change I've got something interesting to write about.
The past weekend I went to the Virgin Music Festival in Baltimore. It was the first time I've been to a music festival that huge! 40,000 + people having a good time. There were actually bands there I love, and that's odd considering I HATE most modern musical acts.
I got to see: The Who, The Killers, The Flaming Lips, Gnarles Barkley, and my favorite: Scissor Sisters. Yeah, it's hard to believe, but I LOVE Scissor Sisters because they are a gay band that are actually talented! They write their own music and actually have a great deal of musical talent. It also helps that "BabyDaddy" a member is HOT!!!!!!
There were other groups there, but with so much to do/see, I had to make hard choices since they performed at the same time on two different stages.
They had a DJ tent set up as well playing remixes/dance music and a "Freak Show" with a Burlesque show including fire eaters, strippers, and other strange acts that were all cool to see.
Food, drink and lot's of things to do and see including a lot of HOT men. The Bar was a little expensive, but what the hell. A few beers and good food and great music. It made for a hell of a good time!!!!!
The next few posts are pics I took and commentary. Hope you enjoy as much as I did.
I had a BLAST!!!!!! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Cash Cab

Finally a cool game show!!!
Discovery Channel has a new game show that actually is interesting. It helps that host, Ben Bailey is easy on the eyes.
The premise is that during the cab ride in New York City, the host asks trivia questions that increase in value as the ride progresses. If you miss three, he puts you out of the cab before your destination.
As an added bonus, there is apparently a lot of gay contestants seeing as how he's always taking people to The Village. Seems that a lot of them are actually HOT!!!!!
The link above is the Web Site about the show and the host.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

More Weed in Congress??!!!!!

Al Weed is running against Republican Virgil Goode in Virginia's Fifth District.
Considering Virgil Goode took money from MZM/Jack Abramhoff, he MAY have a chance to win.
From what I hear tho, the only way the fifth district voters will NOT vote for Goode is if someone catches him snorting coke off a hookers ass.

But let's face it: Congress NEEDS more WEED!!!!!! Maybe this country and the world in general would be a happier place.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Weatherman FREAK OUT!!!!

Click the link to see how we are seen by the general public.

Let's hear it for a cliched stereotype!!!!!!!

I hope he "butched-it-up" for the 11 o'clock report.

Is this really the face of gay America? Is this the face we want to show. C'MON!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Hot List #1

Morgan Spurlock from "Super Size Me" fame and "30 Days" on FX. Maybe next he'll do gay porn. The link is for his show "30 Days"

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Philpott Lake Boating Trip

A few shots from last weekends trip to Philpott Lake near our house in Bassett Virginia.
The new boat is GREAT!!!!!