The above link is a story that says that President Bush is set to veto to an expanded Federal Hate Crimes Bill to add sexual orientation to the Federal law.
GOOD FOR HIM!!!!! I'm in total agreement!!!!!
What the......???!!!!!!
I'm in agreement.
No really.
The Federal Government should NOT be in the business of increasing the penalty for
"thought crimes" and gays don't deserve to be added. At least that's what the RepubliCONS believe.
I live in Virginia, and we have "Concealed Weapons Permits"
Don't rely on a gay-hostile Federal Government to give a DAMN about you.
Go out and LEGALLY buy a hand-gun. Take classes/ lessons to learn how to use it safely and accurately. Apply for a conceal permit in Virginia, and once you're approved, CARRY IT!!!!! But only in the legal areas. I.E. Not in bars or places that serve alcohol. Et. Al.
If you ever feel in danger, that much, as to fear for your own safety and/or property, then take care of the problem. Permanently.........
Protect Yourself.
It's nobodys responsibility but your own.
WAKE UP Virginia gays!!!!! In the state of Falwell and Robertson, we have to use the tools available to us. The Government is NO help to gays in Virginia.