Thursday, November 30, 2006


This great man, Steven Hawking, needs to be listened to for a change!!!!

Instead of holding up politicos and sports stars to the youth of America as "heroes" THIS man fits the bill. Intelligent, witty and a role model for us all.

The above link connects to a story from England about what he thinks Mankind needs to do to survive.

I've read all of his books and he has a lot to say :if only people would listen.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

RIP Robert Altman

Robert Altman, one of the GREATEST American Directors. RIP.

From "MASH" to "A Prairie Home Companion", we'll miss you.

Monday, November 20, 2006

I'm Back!!!!!

Been busy here and haven't had a chance to post since the election. DAMN!!!!!! The Dems took the House AND the Senate!!!!!!! Will wonders ever cease??!!!!!!

Seems the voting public in Virginia didn't buy the line of crap being fed to the electorate.

Let the investigations begin!!!!!!!!!
Shirtless Marlboro smoker

Need a roommate?
Hot Smokin Redneck

Gotta love this one!!!!!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Pre-Election Post

It's been a while since I've posted. Been busy here doing things I needed to get done. Time to get back my "Ire"
I've been so indulged with politics that they have finally succeeded in doing what they want. I'm sick of ALL the crap in the political arena in this election cycle. Between Jim" misogynist dirty-novel author" Webb to George" bigoted Jew" Allen both choices in the Virginia Senate are basically a vote for the lesser of two Evils. Not to even get into the "Marriage Amendment" to the state Constitution. I just want it OVER!!!!! Yeah, I hope the Dems retake the House and hopefully the Senate, but just VOTE!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully the body politic won't fall for the lies this time, but I honestly doubt it........