Thursday, July 27, 2006

Husbands Trip to Pensacola

Just a few pics of my husbands trip to Pensacola to take sailing lessions. He's now certified in Basic Keelboat Sailing. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Redneck At The Race

Friend of mine I met at The Rivers Edge. HOT fucker and a great guy.
The above link is his blog. Check him out!!! Posted by Picasa

Family Reunion Pic

Me last weekend at my family reunion. Yeah, I'm a Yankees fan. SO??!!!!!! Posted by Picasa

New Beard Cut

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Friday, July 14, 2006


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Scott on His Harley

My best straight friend Scott FINALLY let me post his pic on my blog. Hot fucker on a hot bike!!!! One of the nicest guys I've ever met and he doesn't take shit off people. Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 07, 2006

"Redneck Chic" At The Rivers Edge

Ok guys, lets get off the politics for a minute.
I just got back from The Rivers Edge on my plant shut-down/vacation from the hell I call work.
I always have a great time there. The link is their web site.

For the first time I was REALLY surprised at what I saw and heard at the pool.

Look: I'm a Blue Collar regular Joe that just happens to be gay. "Gay " is not what defines me as a person. I think there's a lot more to me then just who I sleep with.

While I was at the pool, checking out the guys and getting some sun on my pale-ass body, a guy walked up that was visiting friends that had come up from Texas. WOW!!!! GREAT looking guy. Big cowboy hat, tight white shirt, HUGE Texas Belt Buckle, tight 501's with a skoal ring in the back pocket. everybody went on-and-on about how he

What the hell........


Yeah he did indeed have "The Look" down and everyone just went nuts, so I just had to talk to him and see.

The first thing to do is look at the hands. He had never seen a days work in his life!!! He said he just had a manicure!!!!

The Skoal ring was "ironed" into the jeans.

He worked at a "Consulting Firm" in Dallas.

Redneck? Don't think so.

Let's try to coin a new term here.

"Redneck Chic"

Well it was verified not five minutes later when another guy came up from Atlanta. All he had on was a brand new "John Deere" baseball cap. That was it. Nice looking Italian guy that had never even SEEN an honest days work. His "Dad" said the hat made him look "Butch"

Well, I got a new flash: IT DIDN'T!!!!!!

C'mon guys!!!! Just a plain working man here and glad to be that. You need to try harder to be a redneck if that's what you want. Never seen a real Italian redneck.

Well, seems I have an look that people like to copy. At least get it right!!!