Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Rush's RNC Ad

10 out of 10 Republicans Agree:
If you don't have a hard-on for the Bush Administration then Viagra is the #1 Drug of choice.


"Viagra: Not just for queers anymore"

"Paging Ann Coulter, paging Ann Coulter"

Sunday, June 25, 2006

"The Daily Show" Destroys Democracy!!!???? WTF!!!

The link above is a study that concludes that The Daily Show is basically destroying democracy in America.
I suggest that these Republicans/conservatives/neo-fascists that are now in charge of all three branches of Government take a long hard look in the mirror before they are critical of just about anything but themselves.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Scotts New Harley Sportster

Must be nice!!!! Posted by Picasa

Roanoke Rednecks

BUSTED for taking the pic. Oh well, I can take the big one anyway and the other one......well......you can guess what's I'd LIKE to do. Posted by Picasa

More Rednecks in Roanoke.

You tell me. Couple or no? Posted by Picasa

Rednecks in Roanoke

Went to the Bubba Blackwell show at the Harley Shop in Roanoke over the weekend. Lots to see!!!! And there was some bikes there too. :-) Posted by Picasa